What makes scandium expensive?

Scandium is a chemical element that is also a rare metal. It is represented by Sc and its atomic number is 21. In 1871, Dmitry Mendeleev, a Russian chemist, predicted the existence of scandium, but it was discovered only in 1879 by Lars Fredrik Nilson. It occurs in many minerals, but in minute quantities.

Scandium has many unique properties and uses. It is also very expensive due to its scarcity and limited production. Pure scandium costs approximately $7000/ per kg. Although it is rare on Earth, Scandium is present in abundance in our universe.

Although there is a lack of extensive research about the health and safety issues of scandium, it is generally considered non-toxic. But certain compounds of scandium such as scandium chloride can be lethal. As a result, such compounds should be handled with care.

Scandium is mostly found in low concentrations, but it is plentiful throughout the world, In fact, the metal has a crustal abundance that is even higher than that of lead. In total, there are 22 parts per million by weight of scandium in the ground.

But even if there is plenty of scandium being discovered, processing it can be difficult and that is why there are very few stable sources of this metal. As a result, we do not see scandium being used commercially. A lot of research is happening on this metal, so once stable sources are found, scandium might be used for many things.

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