How do human live in extreme environments?


Humans have found a way of living in some of the most inhospitable environments on Earth – including the scorching deserts, the icy Arctic, and the steamy rainforests. Desert dwellers have to cope with the daily problem of finding water. In the Arctic, the challenges are keeping warm and finding food to eat. The rainforests are full of life, but many of the animals are dangerous, and some of the plants are poisonous.


The frozen Arctic is one of the toughest places on Earth to survive. There are no plant foods, so Arctic people came to rely on hunting seals, walruses, whales, birds, and fish. Without timber, they used skins and bones to build shelters, sleds, and boats. Modern inventions, such as the snowmobile, have made life in this frozen wilderness easier.


Unlike the Arctic and the desert, the South American rainforest has a wide variety of animals and plants. The problem is that many of the animals and birds suitable for eating live high up in the canopy. Hunters scan the trees above for prey, such as monkeys, and then shoot them down using blowpipes firing poison darts.


The extremes of temperature faced in the desert – extremely hot during the day, and very cold at night – is the main problem desert dwellers face. They are constantly on the move, searching for fresh water supplies, sometimes using the flight of birds and insects as their guide. Having found water, they must make sure that not a drop is wasted.

Ostrich egg: The San people of the Kalahari Desert, in southern Africa, fill ostrich eggs with water and bury them for using later.

Camels: Bedouins travel using camels, which can go without water for long periods thanks to the fat stored on their backs.

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