This 8-hour film on grazing sheep could put you to sleep – and its makers want that

Baa Baa Land, an epic 8-hour movie, features nothing but sheep! With no dialogue, no plot and no human actors, just slow motion shots of sheep in a field, the “world’s dullest movie” scheduled for release this month is designed to put viewers to sleep. Filmed in Essex, England, and produced by Calm, a company that produces mindfulness meditation products, Baa Baa Land is being advertised as “the ultimate insomnia cure” and “better than a sleeping pill”.

The first cut in Baa Baa Land comes after 77 minutes. The sheep are still there, eating grass and bleating and it is still a bright sunny day, the camera merely switches positions from one long shot to another. Anything remotely resembling an action sequence is the rare mid shot, five and a half hours into the film, when some of the sheep drink water.

Yes, Baa Baa Land could put you to sleep – and that’s exactly what the film’s makers want, at a time when rising stress and anxiety levels are constant exposure to stimuli is affecting sleep patterns. “It’s better than any sleeping pill”, executive producer Alex Tew is quoted as saying on the film’s website. Freedman, who also doubles up as the film’s “writer”, hopes the film to inspire research papers and have a cult following. “I hope that in future years, students of cinema will write PhDs and doctoral theses about [Baa Baa Land], saying what it all means,” he said.

Picture Credit : Google

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