What is a stammer person?

As American President Abraham Lincoln famously said, ‘Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. What better way to ensure a strong and stable democracy than to make your vote count! Because your voice matters.

Stammerers stumble over words and can often only speak with superhuman effort, especially if the attention is focused on them.

If you ask a stammerer his or her name, it might take him or her several attempts to say, ‘R…………Rahul’ or ‘Sh…sh…sh….Sheila’, for example. In the meantime, Rahul or Sheila would have turned red with embarrassment and you may have lost interest.

Unfortunately, movies and television often have characters with a stammer to provide the audience with a few laughs. In reality, stammerers go through agonies and the more you mock them, the more difficult it is for them to overcome it.

Not just someone with a stammer, you might have come across people who are blind, deaf, spastic or autistic. Every person with a special need wants you to be sensitive to their situation. They don’t want your pity. All they desire is to be accepted as one among you.

So the next time you come across a special person, show understanding and compassion, not impatience or indifference.

Picture Credit : Google

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