Who are the most famous among the African tribal people?

For centuries, the tropical forests of Africa were considered treacherous and unfit for human inhabitation. However, the heart of the African rainforests in Zambia, Cameroon, Congo, and the Central African Republic has been a haven to some of the most celebrated tribal groups of hunters and gatherers. The most representative of these groups are the Mbuti, the Twa, the Baka, and the Aka, collectively called Pygmies, which means ‘dwarf’.

Pygmies are distinctly short, the tallest being the Mbuti tribe, with a height not more than 1.5 metres! Surprisingly, anthropologists opine that this shortness is a boon rather than a curse! The smaller body mass helps them to dissipate body heat better and with great agility within the rough forest terrains. These tribes also have better digestive systems than the sub-Saharan people.

The African tribes generally live in groups of 15-60 people, hunting and gathering wild fruits, vegetables, and ‘liquid gold’ – honey. These ‘children of the wild’ have long identified their souls with the forest and its mysterious hidden language. Their in-depth knowledge of plants and animals makes it easy to obtain wild food and natural medicines for various ailments.

Pygmies are nomadic. They migrate across lands in response to resource availability. This dispersal of the relatively small tribes across great distances has resulted in lower population density.

Picture Credit : Google

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