How are clouded leopards related to the great cats?

The clouded leopard, named for its spotted coat, is one of the most ancient of cat species. They are closely related to great cats like the lion, and are slightly bigger than domestic cats. But despite all these similarities, the clouded leopard can hardly roar!

Clouded leopards plod the lowland rainforests that range across Nepal, Bangladesh, and eastern India and extend to Sumatra and Borneo. They have been sighted across dry woodlands and swampy terrains as well. The Bornean clouded leopards are more robust than the others. The reason behind this is the absence of tigers and other leopards in the region.

When it comes to climbing trees, clouded leopards are top-notch and often outdo other cat species. The large paws and sharp claws aid in better grip around the tree. These skilled climbers can also be seen hanging upside down from branches. Their bodies come with long tails and relatively short legs.

Despite their love for climbing trees, the clouded leopards prefer hunting on land. They feast on deer, monkeys, pigs, squirrels, birds, and even little squirrels.

Apart from these known facts, much remains to be learnt about them. They are seldom seen in the wild and are considered a vulnerable species.

Picture Credit : Google

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