What is junk food?

You wake up one morning. Your mother asks, “What would you like for breakfast -crisps, chips, ice cream, sweets, or lemonade?”

You think to yourself, “Am I dreaming?” Yes, you are.

Your parents try to limit how much junk food you eat for a reason. Too much junk food is not good for your body.

Junk foods are called “junk” because they contain a lot of substances your body does not need. Some contain a lot of sugar. Others have a lot of fat-far more than your body needs.

But many people eat a whole lot of junk food. And if all you ate was junk food, you would soon be very unhealthy. You would not get enough of the things your body needs, such as protein, vitamins, and fibre. And you would have too much of the things you need only a little of, such as sugar, salt, and fat.

It would not hurt your body if you never ate any junk foods. They are fun to eat, though. Happily, a little junk food now and then will not hurt you.

Picture Credit : Google

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