How are families different?

Everywhere you look, families are different. Some children live with their birth parents, who are the mother and father to whom they were born. Some children are adopted. Their mother and father chose them to be part of their family.

Other children live with their mother and stepfather. Or maybe they live with their father and stepmother. In many such families, brothers and sisters from one family live with brothers and sisters from another family.

Many children live with just a mother or just their father. Other children live with your grandmother or grandfather, or with both grandparents.

And still others live with another relative, such as an aunt or uncle.

No matter what kind of family you have and no matter who you live with, you are part of a family. And all families work in the same way. The people in a family do a lot for each other. They stick up for one another. They are happy, sad, and angry with one another. They work and play together. They share things and responsibilities. What is your family like?

The people who live with you are your family. There are other people who are part of your family also, but they may not live with you. They are your relatives.

Some families have many brothers and sisters. Other families have only one or two. Still other families have no brothers or sisters at all.

All families have grandparents. One of your grandmas is your father‘s mother, and one of your grandmas is your mother’s mother. One of your grandpas is your mother‘s father, and one of your grandpas is your father‘s father.

You may have aunts and uncles, too. Some aunts are your mother’s sisters, and some are your father’s sisters. Some uncles are your father’s brothers, and some are your mother’s brothers.

Your aunts and uncles may have husbands and wives. They are your uncles and aunts too. Some of your aunts and uncles may have children. These children are your cousins.

All families are different. Who is in your family? Who are your relatives?

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