How does the tongue work?

Think of your most favourite food. Is it cheese? Is it peanut butter? Or is it chocolate ice cream with hot fudge? Now think of some foods you can’t stand to eat.

You know what you like to eat – and what you don’t like – because as soon as it’s in your mouth you can taste your food as it tumbles over your tongue.

The front, the back, and the edges of your tongue are covered with little bumps. Take a look at your tongue and you will see them. These bumps have groups of taste buds. Each taste bud has tiny nerves that send messages to your brain. Quick as a flash, your brain tells you what you are tasting.

Your sense of smell has a lot to do with how you taste things too. Think about the last time you had a cold. Do you remember trying to eat? You probably could not taste your food very well. That’s because you can’t smell what you are eating when your nose is stuffed up.

Different taste buds are experts in different tastes! That is why you may taste sweets best on the front and centre of your tongue. You taste salty food at the front left and right sides, and you taste buds foods further back along the sides. The taste buds for bitter foods are at the back of the tongue.

Picture Credit : Google

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