Do snails sleep 3 years?

What is the reason for their extended nap? Snails need moisture to survive and they go into hibernation or aestivation to escape unfavourable weather. While hibernating, they secrete thin layer of mucus which seals them in and prevents them from drying out.

Snail’s common diet are plants and other vegetation. Snails will bury themselves in the ground and close their shells off with their own slime. You can find them eating live plants, dying plants, rotting plants, fruits, and algae. A snail has a radula located inside its mouth to assist in the grinding of its food. 

Snail also be found eating the chalk off rock for provide the protein which needed for their shells.

A snails habitat usually consists of on land or in water depending on the type of snail. Snails are not usually in need of perfect environments because snails carry their homes and place of safety on their backs.

Desert snails can sense when the air is particularly dry, and will burrow underground in order to retain moisture. Where, they can hibernate up to 3 years, waiting for the temperature to become more suitable for them. The average age of snail is 15 years.

Picture Credit : Google

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