If you place a balloon filled with only air and a balloon filled with a little water over a flame, which balloon will burst first?

What you need:

2 balloons, a candle, a quarter cup of water and a matchbox

What you do:

Blow one balloon and tie it up. Fill water in the second balloon. Then blow and tie it up.

Light the candle and hold the first balloon over the flame. Allow the flame to touch the balloon.

Similarly, hold the second balloon with the water over the candle flame and watch for a while.

What you see:               

The first balloon bursts, perhaps even before the flame touches it. The second balloon that has water in it doesn’t burst. A black patch of soot forms on the outside of the balloon that is directly above the flame and it bursts only after a while.


The balloon without water bursts because the rubber with which it is made cannot withstand the heat. The balloon with water could resist bursting immediately because the water, which is a good absorber of heat, absorbed most of the heat.


Picture Credit : Google

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