What is Saffron flower?

Saffron the most expensive spice in the world, consists of the stigmas (the female portion) of the saffron crocus flower. The flower is a purple in colour, while the strands of saffron are red-orange. The plant flowers in autumn and grows in a number of places, including Greece, southern Khorason in Iran, Kashmir in India, Spain, Egypt, Morocco and Turkey.

Saffron is used as a seasoning and colouring agent in different dishes around the world, giving it a distinct flavour. It is used in many Indian dishes such as pulaos, curries, milk-based drinks, chai and desserts like the phirni (rice pudding) and kulfis (frozen dairy dessert). It is used in many Iranian dishes as well.

The kahwa, a traditional mild green tea commonly consumed in Kashmir, northern Pakistan and Afghanistan, is made with dry fruits and a mix of spices, including saffron. It is also used in the famous paella, a Spanish dish consisting of cooked rice, vegetables, meat, seafood and spices.


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