What are organs and systems in brief, of Human Body?

          The Human Body is the most studied object in all of science. Yet every year we learn even more about its most detailed structures and its innermost workings. Even in ancient times people have known basic facts—for example, that there are 206 bones in its skeleton. Since the invention of the microscope nearly 400 years ago, people have studied the body’s billions of tiny building blocks, known as cells. In more recent years we have learned about the instructions or “blueprint” for making the body—its genes.



         The body’s main parts, like the brain, heart, lungs and stomach, are called organs. Different groups of organs work together as systems. Each system has a vital job to keep the whole body alive and healthy. For example, the heart, the body-wide network of tubes, called blood vessels, and the red liquid called blood, together form the circulatory system. This carries essential nutrients and oxygen to all body parts and collects waste materials for disposal. There are about a dozen major systems.

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