What are the element numbers 110, 111 and 112?



                         Darmstadtium is a synthetic element and it has the atomic number 110. The element is named after the city of Darmstadt, Germany, where it was first produced. Prior to its official discovery, darmstadtium’s place on the periodic table was held with the placeholder name of ‘ununnilium’. Its current name was officially assigned in 2003 by the IUPAC. It is believed to have somewhat similar properties to nickel, palladium and platinum. Darmstadtium is represented as Ds.





                   Element number 111 is roentgenium, a synthetic element. It is an extremely radioactive element. Roentgenium is named after Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, the German physicist who discovered X-rays. It was first synthesized in 1994. Roentgenium is represented as Rg.






                      Element number 112 is copernicium, a radioactive element created in a laboratory. Copernicium is named after Nicolaus Copernicus, the famed astronomer. The symbol Cp was initially recommended for element 112, but was rejected, because Cp had once been used as the symbol for lutetium, which, prior to 1949, was sometimes called cassiopeium. Now the element is represented as Cn.


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