Which is the biggest bear?

The powerful polar bear weighs in at 600 kg, which makes it about ten times heavier than a grown-up person, and the biggest of all meat-eating land mammals. Adult bears snack on fish and seals, but they have even been spotted guzzling down fat beluga whales that weigh as much as themselves!

Amazing! Polar bears cover their nose with their paw when they hunt. Although their fur is white, their noses are black and easy to spot in the snow. By covering its nose, the polar bear makes sure that its whole body is camouflaged against the snowy Arctic landscape.

Is it true? Polar bears poisoned Arctic explorers.

Yes. Polar bears’ livers contain a lot of Vitamin A. In small doses, this is fine for humans, but when hungry explorers ate the livers, they were poisoned.

Can bears walk on water?

They can when it’s frozen! Polar bears roam across northern Europe, northern Asia and North America. If the Arctic Ocean isn’t frozen they swim, protected by thick fur and fat!

Which cubs drink the creamiest milk?

Newborn polar bear cubs are tiny. They need to fatten up quickly to survive the cold. Luckily, their mother’s milk is thick and creamy and about half of it is pure fat.

Picture Credit : Google


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