• A quick fix for bland soup

Boost the flavour of a so-so soup by dissolving a beef or chicken stock cube in a little hot water and whisking it into the soup.

  • Soup stretchers

If you’re heating up leftover soup for two or more people and it’s looking skimpy, stir in cooked rice, pasta or pearled barley, all of which are great soup stretchers.

  • In the bag

As you prepare salad ingredients, put them into a small plastic bag. When you’ve finished, hold the bag closed with your hand and shake well. The ingredients will be thoroughly tossed and you will be able to refrigerate them in the bag until it’s time to serve.

  • Hold the tomatoes

Even when you need to make a mixed salad ahead of time, add sliced tomatoes only after the salad is on the plate. The greens in your salad bowl will stay crisper in the fridge without tomatoes, which make lettuce wilt.

  • ‘Fast Italian’ broccoli salad

For an easy and delicious salad, toss steamed broccoli florets cooled to room temperature in a dressing of 1/2 cup (125ml) plain tomato pasta sauce, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar, 1 tablespoon chopped flat-leaf parsley and salt and black pepper to taste.

  • Keep it fresh

Use this chef’s trick to keep lettuce fresh for up to two weeks. Pull the leaves off the core, fill a sink with cold water and submerge them for 20 minutes. Remove, dry thoroughly, wrap in paper towels and store in the crisper section of your fridge.

Credit : Reader’s Digest

Picture Credit : Google