What are the impacts of biomedical waste?

  • Dumping of medical waste in the open or disposal of untreated waste can be dangerous.
  • A host of infectious diseases is linked to toxic medical waste while garbage collectors, along with those living close to medical centres, are especially at risk.
  • The disposal of untreated waste in landfills can lead to the contamination of drinking, surface and ground water if those landfills are not properly constructed.
  • The disposal of untreated waste in landfills can cause diseases in animals as well. Animals may consume infected waste and eventually, these infections can be passed on to humans who come in contact with them.
  • It is often found that biomedical waste is dumped into the ocean, where it eventually washes up on shore.
  • The treatment of healthcare waste with chemical disinfectants can result in the release of chemical substances into the environment if those substances are not handled properly.
  • Inadequate incineration or the incineration of unsuitable materials results in the release of pollutants, including carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals) into the air.
  • Incineration of medical devices with heavy metals (in particular lead, mercury and cadmium) can lead to the spread of toxic in the environment.
  • If safety measures are not followed, health workers, laboratory personnel and transport workers will also be affected.


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