How can we prevent mosquito bites?

Why mosquitoes bite and what to do:

  • According to studies, mosquitoes prefer blood type O over A, B or a mix of any of them. So if your blood type is O, you find more of the insects buzzing around you.
  • Mosquitoes are attracted to bright colours.
  • Mosquitoes like the smell of beer in beer drinkers.
  • When you exercise, you let out a lot of carbon dioxide. Mosquitoes thrive on CO2.
  • Our skin usually keeps us safe from mosquitoes, but you know they attack your legs. That is because of the bacteria on your feet.
  • All this information about what is good for them is genetically coded into the mosquito brain. So the insect knows where to find food.

What you can do:

  • Sleep under a net if your area is mosquito-prone.
  • Keep surroundings clean to prevent them from breeding.
  • Keep your feet covered in places like the park, bus stands, railway stations, movie halls.
  • Wash your feet well when you reach home after school, before sitting down at the table to study.


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