People have been forecasting the weather for thousands of years, based on changes seen in the world around them. Many such observations are little more than folklore and superstition, but it is true that certain plants and animals can detect variations in the air that people cannot, providing us with a natural sign of a change in the weather.

          When it comes to predicting the weather by using nature signs, old civilizations were masters in doing it. If you’re on a wilderness trip without checking the weather forecast before, there are plenty of ways to read the language of nature and tell what the weather will be like in the next hours and even days.

          It’s of extreme importance to know what climate you are going to face on a wild adventure because you need to stay safe and take precautions if there’s a storm coming closer. Predicting weather is a crucial skill that every hiking and backpacking enthusiast should learn.

         Reading the height and the shape of the clouds is something you must learn if you want to have weather accuracy. High and white clouds mean a sunny and bright day. Black and low clouds are a sign of a rainstorm. A grey veil formed by clouds means that you need to run to a shelter.

        A red sky at dusk and dawn is one of the most beautiful views that we all enjoy, especially near the beach. If the sky is red at dusk, it means that the next day will be sunny. On the contrary, a red sky at dawn means that the low pressure air is bringing moisture and rain.

        Ancient people closely observed the behavior of animals to predict weather changes. Watch animals to see how their behavior changes with the weather change. For example, insect-eating birds like swallows fly low right before the rain, and ants tend to build their anthills with higher, steeper sides. Also, if you notice that the bees and butterflies disappear from the flowers they usually visit; it means the storm is coming.

       The flower’s scent is strongest just before the rain because aromas spread more when there is moisture in the air. You may also notice the sweet, sharp smell of ozone just before a summer storm as it is carried to lower altitudes by the storm’s downdraft. So, if you notice an unusually strong smell, it often means rain is on the way.

       If you see milky-white rings around the Sun or Moon, it’s a sign of extreme humidity and moisture coming closer to the Earth’s surface.

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