What are the fun facts about PowerPoint?

Not develop for Microsoft

We might know PowerPoint as software from Microsoft. But unlike Word and Excel, PowerPoint was not developed for Microsoft. The presentation program was created by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin at a software company named Forethought, Inc.

Not just for presentations

While PowerPoint is primarily presentation software, one can also use it to make infographics, GIFs, quizzes, photo albums and more!

Designed for MAC

WHEN Gaskins was working on PowerPoint, he designed it for the Macintosh OS (macOS). PowerPoint was released for MAC on April 20, 1987. Just three months after its release, the product was acquired by Microsoft from Forethought, Inc for $14 million.

It’s Karaoke time!

Yes, PowerPoint Karaoke is the current fad, though it does not involve music or singing. It is an improvisational activity, where a participant makes a presentation based on a set of slides he or she has never seen before! Imagine how comical this could turn out to be. PowerPoint Karaoke originated in January 2006 in Berlin as a creation of a collective of writers and artists.

Presenter to PowerPoint

The first version of PowerPoint, which was designed for MAC, was called ‘Presenter’. However, due to Trademark issues, the name had to be scrapped. It was later changed to PowerPoint.


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