Which Iranian king looted Delhi in 1739?

The legendary treasure trove of Hindustan has changed hands en masse on two occasions, once in 1739, when it was taken by Nadir Shah, and then again in 1857, by the prize agents of the East India Company. Apart from these two conquests, a great many priceless gems and jewels were acquired by the early European traders in India and sold in Europe. Today, many of the world’s famous diamonds have been attributed conclusively to the 1739 sack of Delhi. 

In the well-known book ‘The History of Nadir Shah’ published in the 18th century from London, James Fraser estimates that 70 crores of wealth was carried away by Nadir Shah from Delhi:

  • Jewels from emperors and amirs: 25 crores
  • Utensils and handles of weapons set with jewels, with the Peacock Throne, etc.: 9 crores
  • Money coined in gold and silver coins: 25 crores
  • Gold and silver plates which he melted into coins: 5 crores
  • Fine clothes and rich stuff, etc.: 2 crores
  • Household furniture and other commodities: 3 crores
  • Weapons, etc.: 1 crore


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