Did the Cold War affect the exploration of the Moon?

          In the late 1950s, the Soviet Union and the US were engaged in a war – not by the means of guns and bombs, but rather a war of science and technology. They competed with each other to see which was the more powerful and technologically advanced nation. The Space Race was a major event in this competition.

          Both the Soviet Union and the US competed to achieve several milestones in spaceflight capability. The space race led to many landmark achievements including the first space flight, the launch of artificial satellites and moon landing. The launch of Sputnik I by the Soviet Union in 1957 accelerated the Space Race. This was followed by unmanned satellites and later, the first dog into space.

          America went a step further by sending monkeys and bringing them back safe.

          The Soviet Union then sent the first man to space in 1961. His name was Yuri Gagarin. Eight years later, America sent the first man to the Moon.

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