How did Adrien Auzout prove that there was no life on the Moon?

          For a long time, people believed that there was life on the Moon. The French astronomer Adrien Auzout was one of the first scientists to challenge this idea with observational data. He proposed that no changes were observed on the lunar surface and published his observations in the first volume of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Auzout began his discussion with the changes the lunar inhabitants might observe on the surface of the Earth. They would see moving clouds, the increasing green colours as crops grow, and a decrease in dark areas as forests were cut.

          Such changes that seem natural have never been observed on the surface of the Moon. Thus, he concluded that there was no life on the Moon. Also, since there were no seas or clouds on the Moon, it was unlikely that it had an atmosphere. Though his observations were precise, they did not create any impact on people.

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