Why does the Moon have extreme temperatures?

          The temperature on the Moon is not constant; it varies from boiling hot to freezing cold, depending on the position of the Sun. The Moon has no atmosphere to either trap the heat or to insulate its surface.

          A day on Earth is 24 hours. Daytime on the Moon is thirteen and a half Earth days long. A long night of thirteen and a half days follows a Moon’s day. When sunlight hits the surface of the Moon during the day, the temperature can go up to 127 degree celsius. In contrast, the temperature on the Moon can drop to minus 173 degree celsius during the night.

          The temperature at the Moon’s core is much higher than its surface temperature. However, there are regions on the Moon that never receive sunlight. This is because of the slight tilt of its axis. Unlike Earth, the Moon doesn’t have different seasons either.

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