My parents don’t trust me

I’m in Class IX. Until last month. I was using an app. Sometimes, the posts from one of the communities I was in, regarding teenagers, contain bad words and occasionally, bad concepts, which I usually ignore; all content was rated 13+. But, one day, when I was in school, my mom looked into my phone and was shocked by what she saw. I tried explaining to my parents that I usually ignore those things but they won’t listen. And long, patient talks aren’t helping. I am innocent and I want to prove it. Help me.

You are feeling bad what has happened and want to earn your parents’ trust. It is very important to take care when you are not allowed to watch certain content. Be clear on your boundaries. Age-appropriate restrictions are set in order to help you grow in a healthy way. Parents’ intentions are in the interest of their children. Your parents’ concerns are genuine and it is very important to gain their trust. An open discussion to accept one’s mistakes and to move forward is very important. Mistakes do happen and we have to learn from them. Reassurance is necessary. Assure them that you will use gadgets or social media-age-appropriately. It takes time to rebuild lost confidence, and you have to prove yourself through your actions. Every family has its rules, and respect them and follow them for your good. Be patient; time is the best healer. Instead of feeling guilty and getting upset, take responsibility for your actions and act accordingly. Your parents will understand your genuineness and believe you.


Picture Credit : Google