What was the aftermath of the Dandi Salt March?

  The Salt March, which took place from March to April 1930, was an act of civil disobedience led by Gandhiji. His actions sent shockwaves across the nation.

 Indians all over the country were inspired to flout the salt Tax, and launch strikes and boycotts against colonial institutions. Gandhiji and some 80,000 others were arrested.

 In January 1931, Gandhiji was released from prison. He later met with the then Viceroy, Lord Irwin. In March 1931, the two worked out the Gandhi-Irwin Pact. According to this pact, Gandhiji agreed to end the Satyagraha in exchange for several concessions.


These included an invitation to the Congress to a Round Table Conference in London, the release of thousands of political prisoners, and permission for Indians living on the coasts to produce the salt from the sea. However, the British Rule maintained its monopoly over the sale of salt.