Where are black roses?

Black roses bloom exclusively in the village of Halfeti, Turkey. The roses bloom dark red during the spring and fade to black during summer months. Also called the Turkish Halfeti Rose, Arab Bride or Arab Beauty, the rose can be grown in other regions around the world, but only in Halfeti does the rose bloom in its black hue as the river Euphrates provides the ideal soil and growing conditions for the rose. Locals consider the flowers as symbols of mystery, hope and passion, but also death and bad news.

Naturally, when thinking of black and roses, what first come to mind is bereavement, loss and death. The black rose seems compatible with mourning. However, there is another aspect of the rose tinted with the hue of night. These flowers have a fairy tale appearance, and this “unnatural” color gives it a mystical atmosphere. When one considers that Urfa is a location associated with at least two prophets, this mysticism takes on a new meaning.

There is another positive symbolic meaning for the black rose. The color brings to mind deep space; that is, such a rose symbolizes the beginning of something new, a journey into the unknown. The black rose also symbolizes major change, the death of old habits and the introduction of a new system. Thus, by heralding in a new era of hope, an era of possible peace, the black rose can bring great joy.


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