Expert Glassblower Creates Amazingly Realistic Large-Scale Glass Flowers

Satellite-based master glassblower, Jason Gamrath, creates enormous life-like orchids and carnivorous flowers from glass. Through his art, he wants to help people appreciate the minute details of the plant kingdom on a magnified level. All the features of real flowers are accurately represented in his glass replicas. “The purpose of creating this series on a macro scale is to bring to light the beauty that exists within the micro scale of nature,” he says. He wants people to notice the details that they miss while ‘walking around as a big person’.

Jason works exclusively with powdered glass. He begins with a molten bubble, creating petals and then dusting them with powder. He sometimes adds another layer of glass before dusting it again. He carefully reproduces the veins, the various gradients of color, and other delicate details that make the flowers so extraordinary. As he completes each section, he dips it into cold water to make the glass crack, and fills the crevices with more powdered glass. It takes him ‘hundreds of hours’ to create each piece.

Before starting work on the glass flowers, Jason spent six months studying the complex morphology of orchidaceous species. His ultimate question was, ‘How did this thing evolve?’ which is what he hoped his audience would also ask after they observe his extraordinary, handcrafted steel and colored glass creations.


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