Can polystyrene cause cancer?

           Several man-made substances are carcinogenic, that is, capable of causing cancer to both humans and other animals. Polystyrene is one such material. It is usually used to make food containers, disposable plastic spoons and CD cases.

           To produce polystyrene, we use benzene and styrene. Benzene is a known cancer causing agent while styrene is a probable carcinogen. Scientists, after various lab experiments found out that carbon tetrachloride used in its production are capable of causing cancer to animals.

           Labourers who work in polystyrene production plants are often at increased risk of cancer. Workers subjected to prolonged exposure develop acute liver and kidney failure. Low levels of exposure can also cause dizziness, irritation to eyes, nose and even throat. Also, when you use stirrers and spoons made of polystyrene, styrene migrates out of the stirrer to your drinks like coffee and tea.

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