Let’s talk about our motherland now. Apart from its history, what is special about our country? Here are some interesting facts about India.

         India holds one of the largest populations in the world. India saw the birth of Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. The concept of Zero originated in India: some branches of mathematics like calculus, trigonometry and algebra too.

         The human calculator Shakuntala Devi who did a calculation of a random thirteen digit number is an Indian! Seems like India has a mathematic genius. The presence of water on the moon was detected by Chandrayaan I, an Indian lunar probe. Science Day in Switzerland is celebrated in the honour of our ex-President Dr. Kalam.

         Shampooing is an Indian concept: in fact, the word has a Sanskrit origin. Diamonds were first mined in India. India is also credited with the development of that most popular board game Snakes and ladder. The game was developed to teach kids the concept of karma. Our country is a land of architectural marvels. Apart from the Taj Mahal and the Iron Pillar, we also have living root bridges in the northeast. India has more than 122 major languages. These are a few of the fascinating aspects about our country. The list is endless!

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