Can the pheasant-tailed jacana walk over water?

       Have you heard stories of fairies that fly or can talk on water? These imaginary beings were probably conjured up after man had sighted some exquisite birds like the pheasant-tailed jacana.

       The pleasant-tailed jacana has long pheasant-like tail feathers, which, incidentally give it its name. They are water bids and spend considerable time in water, looking for food. They have long legs with stretched-out toes and claws. These features enable the bird of defy gravity and walk through the leaves of water lilies. In facts, the leaves would submerge in water due to the weight of the bird and the onlooker gets an illusion that the bird is trotting on water. Due to this, the bird is sometimes called ‘fairy walking over water’.

       The pheasant-tailed jacana is a shy bird. It loves to spend time in undisturbed ponds where there is abundant vegetation, such as lotus and water hyacinth.

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