What are the specialties of the Egyptian vulture?

          The Egyptian vulture does not look much like a vulture. It has a peculiar feather cover over its head. The adult birds are generally white in colour with a yellow bill and a leathery patch on their faces.

          The young birds are often brown, with a strange combination of white and grey feathers. The Egyptian vultures are silent birds, seen in small groups in the premises of villages and towns. Adding to their shabby image, these birds are commonly seen near garbage dumps which happen to be their usual roosting sites. The search for food would cover large areas, flying high in the air. They can be seen perching on ruins, high roofs and tombs.

          They build nests atop buildings, tall trees or cliffs where the females lay white eggs. These birds can be seen in large numbers throughout India except in the Northeast. They are also common in South-western Europe and North Africa.

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