Why is the Kakapo extraordinary?

          The kakapo is an extraordinary bird with an extraordinary story. These nocturnal birds belong to the flightless parrots. Endemic to New Zealand, these birds are critically endangered and demand the attention of conservationists.

          Plenty of kakapos lived in New Zealand’s landscape be-fore humans arrived there. The animals that humans brought along preyed on kakapos which put them on the brink of extinction. Thanks to the New Zealand Wildlife Service for their interventions including transferring them to predator-free islands, there is a steady increase in the number of kakapos.

           It is also known as owl parrot as its face is shaped like an owl. It is one of the heaviest and possibly longest-living birds. A full grown kakapo weighs up to four kg. They have small eyes and a well-developed sense of smell that helps them to track down their favourite plants for food.

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