When are fungi edible?

Popularly, the term mushroom is used to identify the edible fungi; whereas the term toadstool is often reserved for inedible or poisonous fungi. In a very restricted sense, mushroom indicated the common edible fungus of fields and meadows. Mushrooms have insignificant nutritive value. Their chief worth is as a specialty food of delicate, subtle taste and agreeable texture. Fungi can be found in damp areas, or growing on tree trunks.

Poisoning by wild mushrooms is common and may be fatal or produce merely mild stomach disturbance or slight allergic reaction. It is important that every mushroom intended for eating is accurately identified before you try to eat them.

Fact file:

Fungi live in organic matter. In the soil, fungi are the most important agent in the breakdown of dead plant and animal material, recycling it so that plants can use the nutrients.


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