Not much is known about Shakespeare’s youth until his marriage. Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway. Anne was 8 years older than William who was merely 18 when the wedding took place. Their first child was Susanna. In 1585, Anne gave birth to twins, named Hamnet and Judith. Hamnet died of unknown causes at the age of eleven. Shakespeare was devastated at the death of his only son. It is said that his greatest tragedy, Hamlet, took shape from his grief over his boy’s death.

            Susanna and Judith, on the other hand, led rather long lives, although the latter had a bitter and unhappy one. Susanna married John Hall, a prosperous Stratford physician. They were wealthy and ran a business. Their child, Elizabeth Hall, was also a known and successful figure.

            Judith Shakespeare, on the other hand, lived a tragic life. She was married to Thomas Quiney. They could not procure a licence from the church for their wedding before Lent; and therefore, were scandalously excommunicated after a month. Quiney was also convicted for other crimes and led a disgraceful life. They had three children, the youngest being named Shakespeare. The young Shakespeare died in his infancy and the other two in their youth.











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