Which is the world’s deepest cave?

Krubera Cave, Georgia is the world’s deepest cave lies in Asia, Stretching down 2,197 m (7,208 ft), it is nearly as deep as seven of Paris’s Eiffel Towers. Russians call the cave Voronya, meaning “crow’s cave”, after the many crows nesting at the entrance.

Krubera Cave is a deep, mostly vertical cave system. Passages in the cave system can be narrow and difficult to pass or wide and very large. In order to explore the caves completely cave divers need to be prepared to put on scuba gear because tunnels in the caves can sometimes become flooded. Flooded tunnels are referred to as sumps. Some of the passageways in Krubera Cave had to be widened to make it possible for cave divers and explorers to venture further.


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