What kind of Living is there at the mountains?


Mountain people

About half a billion people live in the world’s mountains. They have adapted to the bleak mountain conditions. Mountain people cut fields into the steep slopes to farm the land. They also use mountain animals for food, clothes and as a form of transport.

Some mountain people live in remote areas.

Mountain people often live off what they can grow and farm. Sheep, goats, alpacas and llamas provide them with milk and meat for food, and wool and leather for clothes. Mountain animals are sure-footed and can carry heavy loads (or even people!) Although the air is thin, mountain people are able to travel in the mountains with ease. They can walk long distances and are confident climbers.

Tough crops such as tea, coffee and rice can be grown, on steps cut into the steep slopes.

Terraces are steps dug into the hillside. These steps stop soil and crops from being washed away by heavy rainfall. On the lowest slopes in valleys, the land is rich and fertile, and farmers are able to grow mangy crops easily.

More people now have easy access to the mountains.

Mountains were once used as a defence barrier against warring tribes. Now, many people have access to the mountains. Zig-zag roads and paths, cable cars and even train lines have been built up mountain-sides. Mountain tunnels allow vehicles to pass through. We can also access the mountains by air using helicopters.

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