Why is Sarajevo known as the ‘jerusalem of Europe’?

            Bosnia and Herzegovina is a small country in South-eastern Europe, in the Balkan Peninsula. Sarajevo is the capital city of this beautiful country. The city is located in the greater Sarajevo valley along the Miljacka River in the heart of the Balkans.

            Sarajevo has a long history of religious and cultural diversity. Muslims, Christians and Jews live in the city harmoniously. Therefore, sometimes, the city is called the ‘Jerusalem of Europe’. The city is 600 years old and its antiquity is a major tourist attraction. Being an important trading centre, especially in the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Empires, Sarajevo has recieved many travellers for centuries because of its geographical location.

             Today, Sarajevo has grown into a modern city with beautiful architecture as evidenced in the Bosmal City Centre, BBI Centre, Sarajevo City Centre and the Avaz Twist Tower, which when it was built, was the tallest sky-scraper in the region. Popular tourist attractions include the Vrelo Bosne park, the Sarajevo cathedral and the Gazi HusrevBeg’s Mosque.

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