How long could I go without eating?

That depends on many factors. Are you healthy? Skinny? Will you need to struggle until your next meal or just laze under a palm tree? People have survived more than ten weeks without food, but they had water and didn’t need to move around too much. Starvation takes a horrible toll on the body, however, causing awful symptoms, from extreme weakness to hallucinations to spasms. And that’s not even counting the pain. Ever forget to pack a lunch? Pangs of starvation are a hundred times worse than those of hunger.

You’ll begin to experience severe adverse symptoms during the stage of starvation where your body is using its muscle reserves for energy. A study states that those undergoing a hunger strike should be monitored closely for severe side effects of starvation after losing 10 percent of their body weight. It also says that very serious conditions will occur when an individual loses 18 percent of their body weight.


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