Why do people get goose bumps?

Like your wisdom teeth and your tailbone, goose bumps serve no purpose in modern humans. They’re created by itty-bitty muscles in our hair follicles, which raise the bumps as a reflex reaction to a sudden drop in temperature or feelings of panic, anger or extreme fear. Goose bumps fluffed up the body hair of our much furrier ancestors to help trap heat or make them look larger to threatening animals. Today, goose bumps just make you look like you need to borrow a sweater.

People also tend to experience goose bumps during emotional situations, such as walking down the aisle during their wedding, standing on a podium and listening to a national anthem after winning in sports, or even just watching horror movies on television. Quite often a person may get goose bumps many years after a significant event, just by thinking about the emotions she once experienced, perhaps while listening to the romantic song to which she danced many years ago with the love of her life.


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