How are a plant’s seed spread?

Seeds propagate a plant’s life. Therefore, plants package them in beautiful and secure cases called fruits. Nature, in its infinite wisdom, has devised plans to spread the life of plants in the most effective way.

Plants have developed ways to scatter their seeds. Some plants have exploding seedpods that fling seeds far and wide. For some other trees, the wind carries their seeds to distant places. Sometimes, water too comes to their help. Animals play a significant role in spreading seeds. Many plants have fruits that get lodged in the fur of the animal. The animal carries the seeds wherever it goes and deposits them somewhere safely.

Some seeds come in sweet and delicious berries. Animals and birds eat them. However, the seeds remain undigested in their belly and fall to the ground through their droppings. Have you seen banyan trees on top of some very tall buildings? Bird deposited the seeds there through their droppings.


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