You may have heard about walking trees in fairy tales. Trees do not have the ability to move about from place to place like animals. However, trees do make certain movements.

Plants move when they grow. Their movement is so subtle that we are hardly able to notice it. A growth substance called auxin is found in plant cells. This substance helps plants move in the direction of the sun. Due to the presence of the substance, when we plant a seed, its sprout will grow upwards towards the sky. Botanists call this phenomenon geotropism.

Plants move in various ways. Some vegetables such as pumpkin and bitter gourd can reach up to objects with their tendrils. Flowers move as they open and close their petals. You may have seen sensitive mimosa plants that wilt when someone touches them.

Fruits of porcupine grass can move their long tail. There are plants such as the witch hazel that shoots its seeds when they are ripe. A jumping bean moves when the caterpillar inside it jumps.


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