Are plants the earliest forms of life?

Although it is very difficult to estimate how life appeared on Earth, scientists have arrived at certain hypotheses that they believe are true. When life appeared on Earth, it was not as we see it today, well developed and sophisticated. The earliest life forms were tiny speaks of living matter. These simple organisms were called protoplasm. Scientists say that protoplasm mark the beginning of animal and plant life.

When these tiny organisms evolved, some of them developed thick walls, and were immobile. They did not move from one place to another. They were the first plants. Some of them had a green colouring called chlorophyll that absorbed sunlight, for preparing food. These plants trapped the energy in the sunlight and used it to synthesis carbohydrates from carbon and water. As we know already, this process is known as photosynthesis.

The earliest life forms were single-celled. They developed more cells, and began to grow as plants. These plants had to live in water, as they would have otherwise died out, without moisture.


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