The general preparation is that clearing JEE is a case of burning the midnight oil. Is that true?

That’s not far from the truth. But one thing is clear, it’s a tremendously educating and enjoyable experience. It will enrich your soul. Unlike many other exams, the preparation uplifts your soul. Yes, you do burn the midnight oil, but then the oil burns and gives you energy. This is a process which is tremendously educating. It uplifts your soul. I am talking the words I have lived myself. You will be a tremendously enriched person after two years of preparation of JEE. Passing and failing becomes a by-product.

Forget the passing and failing – if you are better off intellectually, the process would be worth it. You are preparing for IIT-JEE when you are 16-17. This s the time when one peaks in intellectual growth. At that point of time, the preparation inculcates in you the methodology of looking at things differently. That capability will remain with you throughout life.

I have come cross students who prepared for IIT intensely, could not get through, joined a regional college and still excelled in their professions. What are you going to lose? Some money, maybe. Some prime time, yes. But the intellectual gains are tremendous, which no process after 18 will help you gain.


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