Where was K.R. Narayanan born?

               Kocheril Raman Narayanan was born on 4th February, 1921 in the village of Uzhavoor in the Kottayam district in Kerala. K.R. Narayanan was born and brought up in a very poor family. He had to walk for miles to reach his school, only to stand outside the class to attend the lectures, as his fees were always overdue.

               After enduring such hardships, Narayanan obtained his BA (Honours) and MA in English literature from the University of Travancore (present-day University of Kerala), standing first in the University.

            After finishing college, K.R. Narayanan moved to Delhi, and took up job as a journalist. For one year he worked at ‘The Hindu’ and later joined ‘The Times of India’, as a reporter.

            At the same time, he aspired to continue his higher studies in London. As he had financial constraints he approached J.R.D. Tata, who gave him a scholarship. This helped him to go to England in 1945, where he studied Economics and Political Science at the London School of Economics. In London, he got acquainted with V.K. Krishna Menon and became a part of the Indian League.

            Later, he graduated from the London School of Economics with First Class Honours specializing in political science.

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