Why is it said that Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed was greatly inspired by his father?

            Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed was very much inspired by his father, who was a great patriot.

            Col. Zalnur Ali Ahmed was in the Indian Medical Service and served as an army doctor. Col. Ahmed opposed the bad treatment towards the Indians by the British. Ali Ahmed’s father Col. Zalnur Ali had to leave Assam while he was a bachelor doctor following an incident in Shillong.  

            Col. Zalnur Ali Ahmed and one of his Assamese contemporaries, Col. Sibram Bora, were allotted seats at a function in the Shillong Club away from the European guests.

The two Assamese Colonels boycotted the function in protest against the British behaviour towards the Indians.

This naturally provoked the British heads. They transferred Col. Zalnur Ali Ahmed to the distant North-West Province.

Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed grew up hearing stories like these from his father, which made him bold enough to take the right decision of serving the nation and its people. He was always inspired by his father’s integrity and boldness.

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