How did amphibians originate?

            In the course of the evolution of life on Earth, various curious animals have come into being and many species have ceased to exist. Interestingly, the ancestors of most animals that we see today were huge. Some of the earliest amphibians were huge.

            Amphibians must have first appeared on Earth around 360 million years ago. For tens of millions of years, they were the dominant land animals on Earth. Some of these ancient creatures measured up to 4.5 metres long. They terrorized smaller animals with their size. Amphibians evolved from fishes that had fins that looked like legs. These fish may have crawled on to the land to escape their enemies. They were probably attracted by the good supply of food on land as well.

            Gradually, these first amphibians developed lungs for breathing, and their fins developed into limbs for crawling. Over hundreds of millions of years, many different amphibians evolved and disappeared, leaving the familiar salamanders and frogs of today.

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