Which is the commonest wild member of the horse family?

            Among the animals that Man has domesticated, the horse is probably the most powerful animal. Horses have been our friends for thousands of years in our travels, wars and industries; there is a variety of horses among both wild and domesticated species. Today, however, there are very few wild horses left. In fact, the only wild horse is the Przewalski’s horse.

            Zebras are large, fast-running mammals that live on the African plains. They are social animals that spend time in herds. They graze primarily on grass. Zebras have horse-like bodies, but their manes comprise of short, erect hairs. Their tails are tufted at the tip and their coats are striped. In fact, no animal has a more distinctive coat than the zebra.

                Do you know that each zebra’s stripes are as unique as our fingerprints? No two zebra coats are exactly alike.

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