Why is it important to reduce the use of CFCs?

            Although Chlorofluorocarbons are harmful to the ozone layer, we still use them in various appliances at home. CFCs are used in refrigerators, air-conditioners, solvents and aerosol sprays.

            We know that CFCs cause global warming by trapping heat in the atmosphere. They are instrumental in depleting the ozone layer as well. Once these gases are in the atmosphere, they resist breakdown and do not disappear for many decades. In fact, they can remain in the atmosphere for up to 400 years! It is, therefore, important to reduce the amount of CFCs that are released into the air. One way to do this is to use only CFC –free refrigerators and to avoid the use of air conditioners.

            We should also be careful that any deodorant, spray, solvent or cleaner that we buy is CFC-free. The developing nations of the world have agreed to find substitute chemicals for CFCs. The 1987 Montreal Protocol has reduced the worldwide stock of CFCs and other ozone-destroying compounds by 98 percent. More nations followed suit later. As a result, the ozone layer is expected to recover by the mid – 21st century.

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