What is lithosphere? How does it influence other spheres?

            The outermost part of Earth is where we live. Our home, school, play-grounds and all of human civilization is built up on this layer of earth. Lithosphere is one of the non-living parts of the environment.

            Lithosphere represents the solid, outer portion of the earth. It includes the brittle upper portion of the mantle and the crust and the outer most layers of the earth’s structure. Lithosphere is connected to the atmosphere above and asthenosphere, another part of the upper mantle, below.

            The cool brittle lithosphere is just one of four great spheres that shape the environment of the earth. The other spheres are the biosphere, the hydrosphere and the atmosphere. These spheres are instrumental in regulating various climatic conditions on our planet. They interact with each other to influence diverse elements such as ocean salinity, biodiversity and landscape.

            The lithosphere also interacts with the atmosphere and influences temperature difference. For example, tall mountains play a significant role in the temperatures of the valley.

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